The Automatic Antidote
Delivery Device 

Our closed-loop emergency drug delivery system is designed to automatically detect and treat opioid overdoses through a multi-modal system. Our innovative solution consists of a discreet wearable monitor, resembling a smartwatch, and a subcutaneous drug delivery capsule containing the life-saving antidote, naloxone. To ensure minimal intrusion, the capsule is implanted through a quick outpatient procedure, discreetly positioned beneath the skin.

From detection to treatment to notification, the A2D2 has you covered.

The wearable monitor utilizes advanced sensing technology to continuously monitor respiration, blood oxygen levels, and movement, forming a fail-proof multi-modal system that promptly and accurately detects an overdose. Upon detection, the wearable wirelessly triggers the release of naloxone from an implanted reservoir, allowing the antidote to rapidly diffuse throughout the body. Simultaneously, our integrated emergency alert system promptly notifies first responders, family, and friends, providing crucial location information.

We help those with OUD.

Our solution specifically targets individuals with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD), a condition characterized by a problematic pattern of opioid use leading to significant clinical impairment or distress. These individuals may have developed their dependency through various means, including chronic pain medication, cancer treatment, or even the pressures faced by college students.

The A2D2 isn’t just
a device, it’s a solution.

Timely administration of naloxone is vital, as prolonged oxygen deprivation during an overdose significantly diminishes the chances of survival and full recovery. Therefore, our solution provides a host of compelling benefits: (1) increased chances of survival, (2) reduced risk of long-term effects, (3) decreased hospitalization and the need for intensive treatment, and (4) diminished economic burden on patients and payors.

With our innovative closed-loop system, Rescue Biomedical is revolutionizing the approach to opioid overdose emergencies.

We are committed to making a profound impact by saving lives, ensuring timely intervention, and alleviating the strain on healthcare systems. Together, let us forge a future where opioid-related fatalities are a thing of the past, and individuals suffering from OUD can reclaim their lives.